December 15, 2008

Blogspot vs Xanga

Ok, so now you need to come on over here to read my very interesting blog. Having two of them just doesn't work for me. Too time consuming. Not sufficient time on my hands. La voilá!

December 12, 2008

Christmas "Do"

Been to the store for supplies with Co-worker.
Set the tables. Plastic cutlery. Red & White napkins & Red paper tablecloth. Very High Class.
But it fits the occasion and that is all that counts. In a couple of hours it will be all messed up anyways...

An Early Morning Poem

12 days till Christmas - or 13 for those of you who celebrate on the 25th...

December 11, 2008

Sob II

I'm sure I'm suffering the dreaded "Scandinavian Winter Depression". There's no doubt in my mind. My very tired mind. Everyone heard about it? Well, it's a documented fact (?) that with the minimal light up here in the Scandinavian countries, the suicide rates sky rocket during the winter period. No, no chance/risk of that here, rest assured - but a monumental mood & body fatigue as well as frequent colds are becoming more and more evident in yours truly's case by the passing of the years.

Hate, hate & hate winter..

It only took me about 5 minutes to scrape the windowshields this morning. Less than you
CL. But still Pitch Black Out!

Here's a little something to try too lighten up my dismal mood...

Sorry about all the griping...And yes, I do love smiley's if you hadn't noticed.

I found this on another blog today - thought it purdy funny!!* Doesn't apply to all boys though... And please - don't attempt this at home!! It's not meant for y'all to take it literally. Ok? Good.

*Sorry - it's just one of those days...

December 09, 2008


Can't stand winter! Took me 15 minutes to scrape the windowshields of my car this morning. Pitch black out & oh so cold! Take me away from here!!!

December 07, 2008

Birthday Cakes

These are the cakes I bought for my birthday on Thursday. No, this year I didn't make them myself, as the "big" day was on a Thursday, a workday. No time... and stress doesn't agree with me anymore!

First the "Real Cake". This is called a "Frukttårta" - a "Fruitcake" - yes I know that is something entirely different in the English language, but it is good!

But this is my favorite, with satsuma's in it. The "Budapestrulle" - a "Budapest role".

Weekend Update

So tired after the working week is over. Tried the gym on Thursday. My throat acted up again. It is a perpetual nightmare. One week feeling almost ok. Going to the gym. Back to feeling sick again. Been like this since April. Weird and ANNOYING!
Going to bed early.

Waking up with a headache, probably migrain, coming on. Trying regular headache pills. Nope. Migrain pills. Helps somewhat. S getting up early - I stay in bed finishing a book by Tess Gerritsen. Can't remember the name right now.. And it is in the car - taking it back to the library on Monday. Getting up, breakfast and then a nice shower. S going off to pick up son from hospital. Starting on the "musts of the day": Vacuum one floor of the house. Cleaning the bathroom. Ironing Christmas curtains and putting them up. Only in the kitchen. I'm not much of a decorator. Ironing some Christmas tablecloths and putting them on my kitchen table, as well as in the livingroom. Finished! At least until closer to Christmas. Doing some laundry, hanging it, then folding a previous load... S fixing dinner - YAY!! Fish. Omega 3. Good for you. Pretty good to eat too! We eat it with a shrimp sause and pasta. Doing the dishes. Crashing in front of the TV for the remainder of the evening. A couple of fun movies, makes us laugh.

S getting up early AGAIN!!! Sigh. He's up by 7'ish am. Can't go back to sleep again, so I am forcing myself to get up too. No book to read. Alas. Breakfast; S did some good rice porridge (risgrynsgröt) that we eat with sugar, cinnamon and milk. Tastes of an early Christmas. Then coffee and a joint effort doing a crossword before taking a shower. Then off to the store to get some groceries. Having pasta (again..) with bolognaise and a salad for dinner today. Enough for us both to take to work on Monday. Then home to start on the bolognaise. Reading the Sunday paper. S going off to change his car tires to winter ditto's and going to the gym. Dinner. Coffee afterwards with cookies. Upstairs. Now at the present sitting by the computer. Having checked on facebook, my Outlook, my account on yahoo,
my webpage, my Xanga and my Blogspot. Also checked my favorite feeds. This takes quite some time. Will catch up on the news on the TV in a couple of minutes.

Guess it will be an early night! Night night!

December 03, 2008


Tired today! 5 more months of darkness…

I'd rather be somewhere like this... For sure...

November 30, 2008

The First of Advent

We've had a not so good weekend over here. Why? Well, this is what has happened:

My S's son had quite a serious accident, he crashed with his car. They (the fire brigade - and our friends...) had to get him out using the jaws of life, and cutting the roof of the car off. He was rushed into the hospital. Turned out he has broken one of his arms, both bones in the lower arm are off. They are operating this injury today. Hopefully. He also has a fracture in the bone under his eyes as well as the eye socket was shattered. This operation they will do this coming week. He also looks like he has gone 9 rounds in the boxing ring, at least. But things could have been so much worse! This will heal thankfully. This has been quite a tough lesson in life for him...

It has also been the first Sunday in Advent here. I have put up all my lights in the windows. This is a nice time of year, although cold & dark, because of all the lights in everyones windows. This is what they look like. We place these on our windowsills.

Then we put Christmas Stars in our windows:

And this is what we have on our kitchen table. We light one candle every Sunday until the Sunday before Christmas.

November 27, 2008

Turkey Time!

Students Today

Children, or rather "young adults", students, the age 15 or so. I am not sure that I know how their minds work nowadays. Back in time when yours truly were their age - we never threatened our teachers verbally or in writing. Certainly not threatened someone to their life. At least not where I grew up.

A very good friend of mine is in this horrid situation now.

My friend is a teacher. Not born in any of the Scandinavian countries. The prettiest little thing you'd ever see; petit with black hair. As sweet and friendly as can be. You name it. Now some of her students have threatened to kill her. Just because she didn't give one of them a passing grade. This person obviously didn't deserve to pass. It's not that she would randomly pass grades hither and thither. That's not how it is done here. But. Nevertheless. She was threatened to her life. What amazes me is that she had to ask the principal that these persons didn't come to her class anymore. Duh!! Would think they were sent home. Period. But no, that is not how it's done here.

In this country today a teacher can't tell a student who is misbehaving in class to leave the classroom. Read that again and ponder this! The student can misbehave: for instance talk on the cell phone, whistle, talk to his/her buddies and generally make an ass of him-/herself etc etc - but the teacher is still not allowed to make him/her leave the classroom.

I'm glad that I'm old(-ish) and don't have to go to school anymore! And I'm thankful for not being a teacher....

November 17, 2008


A week off.
Getting pampered by the family.
Sleeping in & fed.
Weekend with friends in Stockholm. Great seeing them after the longest time.
Shopping in the big City...

Back to the Real World on Thursday. Aaawwww...

November 08, 2008


That's what my computer says: "Quack". Even the Web-dept. says so. "Quack" and then off to some Jumbo Jet Airplane sounds. At that point I shut the computer down. OR I take whatever I'm currently working on with me into the dept. kitchen. To work in comparatively peace & quiet. Not possible if I have to use the computer. No.

"Quack - it sounds like you have Donald Duck in here" she said, the very helpful lady from the Web dept. It did. Unfortunately when she was there she never got to hear the Jumbo Jet Airplane take off from my office. Only the quacking noice. Typical. But she agreed that something had to be done. We are now waiting for a new box for the net/electricity to come. I think that will do the trick.

She sounded real funny when she said "Hey M, you've got Donald Duck in here!"

November 06, 2008

Evasive ancestor alt. My no 1 Brick Wall

I am doing a rerun on this entry. Maybe persistence will finally get me some results?
This is a man who has evaded me for years...

"Desperately Seeking":

If you have any info on this man - I'd be eternally greatful. He was born in Skaraborg, Sweden on Oct 19, 1865. He departed from Gothenburg, Sweden, to the US (Chicago, Ill.) on March 27, 1891 and touched American soil on April 13, 1891.

According to the picture above he would at least have been to Chicago, for the picture to be taken. His brother Johan Simon (Gustafsson) Wallin went to search for him in 1895. Without any luck in finding him. This is according to my grandmother, who has provided this information.

By the way - Oscar/Oskar is my maternal great grandfather's brother. That would be my maternal grandmother's paternal uncle. Whichever is easiest.

Back to the search!

October 30, 2008


The press and meteorologists have gone out with this warning for the coming weekend. ”Snow and slippery, dangerous, roads”.

They say it is a little bit too early. Yeah right, what’s new about that? Bad things do tend to come ”too early”. Us (fortunates?) on the west coast will most likely get the downpour in rain. Nothing fun about that either. We’ve had quite enough of this weather recently. Lookee here: ”E6: Rabbalshede–Strömstad – among the most dangerous roads in Sweden”. Figures. It goes right through where yours truly lives.

The good side of bad weather is that you get to stay indoors. Guess what I intend to do? After the cleaning, washing and the general tidying up after the working week is done. And if MrS is away. And if I am left alone at home. Yup. One word.



On the more enjoyable note I can tell that the Web Dept. delivered my new computer at work today. Double Yay! The screen was HUGE and the noice the computer made was LOUD. But, I guess I will have to turn on the radio or something to block that out. Guess it is the fan. Probably. Have the same problem at home. But it is loud, hmmm?? Anyway, partly a pleasant enough day.

Now, being alone for a couple of hours, I am posting this. AND will take some time on my genealogy hunt too. Anyone have an Oskar Albin Gustafsson in their family tree – give me a holler! I am “desperately seeking” this man; he is/was my great great uncle. My maternal grandmother’s father’s brother. Vanished in thin air in (we think) Chicago, Ill. sometimes between 1891 and 1895. He has been “bothering” me for years now…or rather evaded me perhaps.


October 28, 2008


Doesn't having two blogs stress you out totally? Yep! Probably.
I'm here, if I'm not here, ok.

Blogger vs Xanga

I am currently on both the above blogs. Someone lured me to start blogging. Who could that have been, I ask myself... :-) You can find her here and also on Xanga. She is my personal mentor when it comes to blogging. And she is a funny and entertaining writer!

Wrote the above yesterday. And, my word, I am going to be sooooo stressed - "having" - to post on two blogs. We'll just have to give it a try and evaluate it later. Ok?

See ya later!

October 26, 2008

Sunday Update

We are a wee bit tired today, MrS and I.
Last night we were invited to a small dinner party, at friends'. Small in the sense that we were only three couples, including the host and hostess. If you have read my previous blogs you know that's just right for me! So what did we have to eat? Well, for starters we had an absolutely deliciously devine Chanterelle soup and for the main course a great big hunk of a Lobster. Lots and lots of food on these ones. Then for afters they treated us to some apple tarte with custard. All too good to describe. Yum. We were back home again just before 2 am - so that's why we are tired. That is one of the reasons anyway!

Earlier this morning MrS had a phone call about a water leak at a big manufacturing company here in T town. Alot of water. MrS told him to call the fire brigade, the "normal" way, by calling 112. After a while we heard the beeper going off. Actually both our beepers. They think it was probably a culvert of sorts underneath the factory that has either collapsed or in some way doesn't lead the water onwards away from the factory. So in a little while MrS is going there to do a 6-hour shift. I am glad they figured they only needed one of us. I am all too happy just relaxing at home on a Sunday night. I'm a bit lazy like that. This is getting worse by age too!

For right now I am planning on entereing a few posts/people into my genealogy program instead. I had every intention to update my homepage this weekend, but as it takes a couple of hours, I will wait until I have a little more time on my hands. I know from experience that something always goes wrong transferring those files. So I need some extra time for those tiresome eventualities. I am entering some Björkman families right now. From Årsunda, Gävleborg (X). The current one is my "farmors farmors mosters dotterdotters dotter" - I have no idea how to translate that in English - anyway it's my "gg grandmother's aunt's g niece's daughter". Any suggestions you bilinguals out there?

So, I'll just get on with it, ok. Happy Sunday Evening!

October 17, 2008

My Next Life

Thank you LdM for sending me this one. Don't know who originally
had this profound and clever revelation, but here goes:

I want to live my next life backwards!
You start out dead and get that out of the way right off the bat.

Then, you wake up in a nursing home feeling better everyday.
When you are kicked out of the home for being too healthy, you spend
several years enjoying your retirementand collecting benefit checks.

When you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years or so, getting younger every dayuntil pretty soon
you're too young to work.

So then, you go to high school: play sports, date, drink,and party.
As you get even younger, you become a kid again. You go to elementary
school, play, and have no responsibilities.

In a few years, you become a baby and everyone runs themselves ragged
keeping you happy.

You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, spa-like
conditions: central heating, room service on tap.

Until finally... you finish off as an orgasm.

I rest my case.

October 14, 2008

I'm tagged! Oh No Not Again!

Just got tagged by Cousin L! Hey - you know I only have you that I can tag back! I know that you are really good at this blogging business, but I don't think you'd want to do this all over. Right? So, I will be a good sport and try this out - and not to tag you back.

Anyways, this is what I am supposed to do - coming from Cousin L:

"Six unspectacular things about myself"

1. Not the most social person in the world. (Which could receive the "Understatement of The Year Award") I am very social with family and a few close friends. When I want to. I enjoy my own company, or to do things in my own good time.

2. I love to read & alot. Spent my teens at home, cooped up in my room, reading away and listening to music. First came all the books about horses (early teens of course) and then came the passion for CRIME novels. Preferably in English. Haven't passed on to anything else. Have had a book written by one of the presidential candidates on my nightstand for eons now. Obviously it didn't do that much for me. One of these days it might be different and I will get through it. Alot of people like it. I've heard. They are probably right. I just want to start on another - solving another crime.

3. Love genealogy. For the hunt and search. I always wanted to be a copper - until they told me my eyesight was too poor. Since then they have changed all that - but now I am way too old! (And probably too set in my ways....) Also love it for all the COUSINS I have found!

4. Hmm. Yes. I would love to speak the English language fluently. Not sure which dialect though. British English/US English? Once in my mid teens I spent a month in Great Britain/England and someone mistook me for a Scotsman. I was really flattered. I love that accent and I can understand why someone with a bit of a Swedish accent would mistakenly be taken for a Scotsman/-woman. Also love the Aussie accent. Very sexy!

5. I am singleminded to a fault. See some of the above. Genealogy tend to overwhelm you (read "me"). You think about it during the day, what sources you have looked at, what can be searched next. Who WERE that ggg uncles second wife's parents? That goes for reading too - just have to read one more chapter before light's out, just one more page...

6. I am a home person. Not the one to go out partying "all night long". See no 1 above. I like small dinner parties at home, with a few select people. And I don't want it to drag on too long. How about midnight for a nice conclusion of a nice evening! I did all my partying before and around the age of 20 - so I am done with it. Done that - seen that!

6a. Reading the above gives you a hint - I am a bore & a stiff*!

And proud of it too!

Not sure this is what I was supposed to do when Cousin L tagged me. But hey, now you get a small picture of what's me and what I am all about. And I promised you CL that I wouldn't tag you again!

Now this is what y'all** have to do:

Meme terms & conditions:
1. link the person who tagged you
2. mention the rules on your blog
3. list 6 unspectacular things about you
4. tag 6 other bloggers**

*stiff in the meaning I'm a bore - not a stiff stiff, i e a dead person. I am very much alive!
** if, like me, you don't know enough bloggers, bummer!

October 03, 2008


I haven't blogged much -at all?- about my (fanatic, according to some) interest in researching my ancestry. Lately I have found a whole bunch of relatives in the US. Or cousins as I prefer to call them. I enjoy telling MrS that I have found yet another American/or Swedish cousin - when it is really a third cousin three or five times removed in the "real world". He's not amused. He would go as far as to admit a "Tremänning" (third cousin) is a cousin. He has quite alot of "real cousins", coming from a large family. But further out than that, nah - wouldn't think so. But that's him. I treasure all of my cousins, from the 1st to the last! And I keep on calling them "kusiner/cousins".

I think we, us ancestor hunters, usually concider those "cousins umpteen times removed" as regular cousins. Or am I wrong? I'd
like to think of y'all as cousins. So I will. For the most part we do share a couple of ancestors back in time, about 100-150 years ago. That you spring from one child and I from another in the same family, who cares!? Not me. You're still my cousin, and that's the end of that.

What's your opinion?

I now have COUSINS in the following states: Connecticut, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Texas, Ohio, Missouri, Nebraska, California, Washington and Illinois. Might have missed a state or two, but hey what a road-trip that would be!!! I'd also make a detour up to Canada and visit you too Cousin M!

Happy Friday and Trevlig helg!

September 23, 2008

Life happens...

I promise, my intention is to come here and write something witty & smart & funny & absolutely fabulous; but somehow when I actually get here, I don't really have the time to do just that, concentrate or whatever it is ... I come here, check the map and possible postings to my bloglines (thank you Cousin L) and then I start on something else. More fun reading your blog CL! Sorry! Sorry!

Oh, yes for those who are interested: Our Owl Mother is back in the tree! She comes and goes, so she might very well be back for another round of "babies" later on after all. Fun fun!

See you soon (I hope)!

September 09, 2008

September 02, 2008


Yesterdays problem with the transferral of the html-files was solved - Yay! Seemed like the firewall was blocking the ftp-program I am using. So all I had to do was to turn off the firewall during the time I transferred the missing file ... but so Annoying! But at least now I know where the problem lies. (i.e not me being the ignoramus!) I have experienced that at times Age - or whatever it is - doesn't agree with my brain, or vice versa! This time the problem wasn't me ...

Double "Yay!"

September 01, 2008

Back in business!

I am back at work - and I am not especially thrilled! This morning I got up at 05.50 am. A wee bit early even for me, as I don't have to be in until 07 am. But S got up at that time - and as I am already awake... Hey - and I do get some compensation time! Which is good! First day went without any major mishaps. A variety of things that had to be done today though - they do tend to "save it for M". Hm!!

I have had 2 x 2 weeks off and already looking forward to next summer. Nothing new about that.

This will be short - have to tamper with my website/ftp that doesn't do as I say! I know I will be busy the rest of the evening... Would love to take a class in website publishing! I do want all of my "oldies" out there - not just part of them... Keep your fingers crossed! It is sooooo annoying when it doesn't do what it's told, isn't it!

August 14, 2008

In a Jiffie!

I am working this week. I am in to do the wages and to pay the bills and send bills out to those unfortunate souls to be on my list! I am taking one week on call too - might as well - as I have to work anyway...

Then I am off for two more weeks of leisure and the good life!

.... will be back!

July 28, 2008

July 22, 2008

Sommar & Sol - Snart!

This is my last week at work before the long awaited vacation begins next week. I am having two weeks off at first, then one week at work doing the wages and being on call for the fdptmt, then two weeks more of a hopefully lazy and recreational vacation. That's really all that I wish for. To destress - if that is an English word? If not - you're welcome to it! Free of charge. I feel quite charitable today with only three more days to go.

I know for a fact that we don't have to feel entirely abandoned and alone during the summer. Living on the west coast, with the blue ocean close by, small picturesque villages by the sea, all the boats - some small & some very big, the cliffs and islands out there and alot of pubs and events makes for a nice holiday for alot of people. We "locals" feel a bit overrun and overwhelmed by the summerguests at times. We call them "bad-djävlar" among ourselves, but, hush, don't tell anyone!! The prices on daily groceries and prices in general do increase in our local shops, for sure. That is something that really really really bugs us! Did I tell you that it really bugs us? Thought so! So there! It's out. At least the salesmen/shop keepers could be decent enought to set a price for them and then one price for us regulars. I don't think that is too much to ask! Is it? At least we pay our (local) taxes and pay for the services in this community, which they don't. And use! Oh, enough already. This is something that has been debated in the governement for a couple of years now. Hopefully they will do the right thing soon.*

Anyway, I hope to have a week off with my family in Jkpg this summer too! Hope that is do-able. Is it mom? Just checking if she is in here.
Hi mom?
Hi dad?
Then I just want to chill on the porch alot. Resting & Reading & Relaxing. This porch is such a lift for the entire house and I love it already! S is such a skilled carpenter! S started his vacation yesterday and he is tearing down the balcony and the front entrance as I write. This is the next project on our (ie read: his) renovating of the house. Will see if I recognize the front of the house when I get home. He is dedicated to the rebuilding of our oooold house. Ah, then we are going off on a trip to Öland, an island off the east coast. I have never been there so it will be nice to see if I like it as much as alot of people say they do. We will take our tent and camping gear with us - but I am praying for a hotel, cabin or such. I am not much for camping and the "rugged outdoor life" myself. I prefer ***** star if I get to choose. I'll even go for a hostel if it comes to that.

I love summer - did anyone miss that?

* This didn't sound too gripy did it? I am normally a pretty calm, reasonable and rational human being.
And to those who know me - stop that laughing!

July 08, 2008

Saved By A Telephone Call

Last afternoon I was saved by a telephone call.

A ton of freshly washed laundry to be folded and put away in the closets was the chore of the day. It smelled really good. Some of it had been left out to dry and had that nice smell of fresh air. Alot of laundry. I had put it off for the entire weekend. So I am not kidding about the magnitude of the task at hand. Then work called. One of the ff didn't show up for practice and they wondered if I could come. "Ja!" - of course. This was no regular practice APU. This summer the fire department has decided that we are going to campings and harbors to give information and to show off the trucks. Surprisingly quite alot of people showed up. First came the kids and then the adults. Quite alot of Norwegians. We get alot of them here as it is only about an hours ride to the boarder. It's always a bit awkward to be in the center of things, getting all the attention. But all went well and we returned to the fire station for some coffee.
Just imagine when the fire trucks looked like this picture.
"Swedens first motor fire-engine. Purchased by the town of Eskilstuna in 1902 from Justus Christian Braun in Nürnberg, Germany. It was driven by an electrical engine that had an operating range of about tvelwe miles at a top speed of 12 mph. Presented to the Museum of Eskilstuna in 1935, repainted in 1979 using the original colour scheme.Today it can be seen at Faktorimuseet in Eskilstuna, where this photo was taken by Zaphod on Februari 6, 2005. " (Text and Picture from Wikipedia)

July 02, 2008

Summer = Strawberries

This is a sure favorite with me! Fresh from the garden, eaten as a solitaire, or with plain milk or even one step better - with vanilla ice cream.
You can never go wrong having strawberries for dessert.

June 18, 2008


Invisible me

I have been invisible here the last couple of weeks. I know. There has been a shortage of time to sneak away and update this page. I just finted and "snuck" away right now to tell you that I will indeed update this page "any ole day" now. That is my intention. For sure. There are questions about the owls to answer. Our new sun deck/porch. Yay! Details about a lovely wedding/reception we attended last Saturday and possible plans for a Midsummer feast on Friday to write about. Unfortunately rain is on the menu. That is quite normal for Midsummer (i e Sweden) and especially if you intend to spend time outside and have made a beautifully laid table - that is when the sky opens. Always!

But - that's for later!

May 28, 2008

Last Saturday..

...this happened...
Saturday we surprised one of our friends with a hen party. Spoke to her the morning after and we are still friends! She is one of those person's who actually likes playing games and charades, my opposite exactly. I was glad it was her and not me! We were really nice about it all. It could have been so much worse!

This is what she had to do:

Yup - she got to be Pippi Långstrump/Pippi Longstockings/for a day. We dressed her up in different colored stockings, put orange braided hair on her; well you can see for yourselves. She was really pleased about the look. Not bad at all! Most kids started out being kind of afraid to come and play with her, but most overcame their shyness pretty quickly.


We had lunch on the cliffs - we were lucky, it was a beautiful day! Isn't the cliffs and seaside a pretty sight?


In the evening we went to a small restaurant for a bite to eat. This shrimp sallad was as scrumptious as it looks in this picture! Yummy!

Then, as usual, "Pippi" stayed out half the night - and I went home. Nothing unusual about that either...
I had a question about what a "hen party/bachelorette party" really is:
That is when a woman is getting married and her friends take her out in public, making her do things like "acting like a
moron", be Pippi Longstockings (like in our case), sell different things to the public "in public" (i e in front of a store or something). OR if you are nice you just take her out for a good meal...
The male equivalent is a "stag party/bachelor party".
You must surely have something like it?

May 27, 2008


... will be coming shortly...

May 13, 2008

Unusual behavior!

We are somewhat concerned with our owl family!
The thing is that the owl mother has been sitting on a branch of a tree about 10 meters away from the nest during the past weekend - and still was last night (Monday). She hasn't gone back to the nest as far as I/we have seen. It is very unusual for this kind of owl to be out during the daylight in the first place. So why? No baby owls alive? Too much noice etc for the mother owl to stay in the nest? What's happening in there?

To be continued!

May 07, 2008

Our owl!

Just wanted to share "our" owl mother that lives in our garden! Our hope is that there will be some baby owls showing themselves any day now! Will be back then with more footage. It took me a couple of hours to upload the videofilm to my computer. This is my first time on Movie Maker so the next time might be easier, hopefully. In this particular film a couple of crows are teasing her, jumping from a branch on her right and then flying back and forth and back again. Looked really amusing (to us at least). Her head went back and forth to keep them under tight surveillance....

May 06, 2008

In sickness & in health - and an owl!

The whole of last week was no fun & games at all at our house.
I was the first one getting the Shivers & Shakes on Friday. Got out all the extra blankets we have in the house, but still cooold as ice. S followed suite the following Monday. Then the fun just continued with fever, bronchitis, runny noses and total and utter exhaustion. The first two days were spent in a daze - not a chance of getting up. My head telling me "You need to get up!" and my body answering "No way I am getting up - I am beat!" You would think I would be skin and bones from only drinking water for over a week. No. Think again. This body of mine knows exactly when to switch over to the low-low burner to preserve the current weight!

Although not exactly well yet - we are now back at work - like it or not....

One fun thing did actually happen during the daze and illnesses of last week:
We got it confirmed that there is indeed an owl living in our birds nest in our garden. This made S very happy. Now we are impatiently waiting to see the baby birds/owls that "most likely" are in the nest. S filmed about an hours length of film, so the mother owl is duly documented. One of these days I will get a cable to be able to get the film onto my computer.

Now I am tired again.... Bye for now!

April 18, 2008

Swedish Champions! Svenska Mästare!

For those of you outside Sweden - That is Sweden's no 1 hockeyteam!
I'm happy! :-)

April 14, 2008

Alive & Kicking!

I know, just taking a quizz like this is kind of hypocondrical. But 36% isn't that bad!
Y'all have a healthy week now!

You Are 36% Hypochondriac

You can deal well with being sick - even if your symptoms are a little scary.

You're occasionally prone to worry about your health, but only when you have pretty strange symptoms.

April 09, 2008

Oh No!

This morning I woke up to sub zero degrees Celsius...
Had to scrape the window shields of the car before I could drive to work...

Then around 09.00 am it started to ---SNOW!!
And you wonder why Sweden has the highest suicide rates in the world!
Typical April weather.

March 31, 2008

Are Swedes really that normal?

An Englishman in Sweden...
I think..... No comments! :-)

Pretty fun read!

March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday - the sequel!

Have a good day today!

on the 26th...

on the 25th....

March is quite a popular birth month in our family!

Happy Birthday!

The cake is in the fridge!

March 20, 2008

Glad Påsk!

Today is Maundy Thursday, half day for most laborers in Sweden. Tomorrow is Good Friday, a day off for most, and then we have Easter. Can't say I remember ever learning the phrase "Maundy Thursday" - but I am sure my English teachers would nod their heads affermatively.

Had such a nice surprise yesterday. Have been home sick this week and didn't go out to get the mail in the mailbox in the morning. S came home and took it in in the afternoon. He said "You've got mail"! That could mean two different things these days. When I was younger it meant that I had had a "regular" mail in the mailbox - a handwritten letter written with a pen or pencil - when today it means that you have an e-mail in your computer. Don't you agree? I so loved recieving those "regular" letters. On the other hand today you can keep in touch so much easier/faster by e-mail. You don't have to go week after week waiting for the mailman anymore. Yippeee!

So THANK YOU cousin L!
HAPPY EASTER to you and your family!
HAPPY EASTER to all of us!

March 05, 2008

I am Swedish, you know!

Just a quick clarification:
Please don't think me ignorant for obvious (to you) mistakes in the English language.
This is not my primary language. Please feel free to correct me (I do want you to), but at the same time concider my disadvantage!

I am using the very useful site when there is a word I just don't know or something I can't for my life recall. With age facts seem to get stored further and further away in the brain or the memory capacity might actually be somewhat reduced. Don't know exactly which one applies to me... Maybe a bit of both. This is the moment you have to start to rely on "post-it notes". Personally I buy them by the dozen. My desk at work is really colorful. There are pink, yellow and orange post-it notes everywhere in my office. It all looks very colorful and bright.

Might add that nobody has been questioning my English - yet. I guess I am a bit self conscious of my lack of certain phrasing and structure of the British/American English.

I was schooled in the British English way of writing and talking and then at 17 I spent a year in Texas.... Going from a "proper" English accent to the Texan drawl. Go figure!
Telling you this, you might understand the ambivalence of it all!