March 05, 2008

I am Swedish, you know!

Just a quick clarification:
Please don't think me ignorant for obvious (to you) mistakes in the English language.
This is not my primary language. Please feel free to correct me (I do want you to), but at the same time concider my disadvantage!

I am using the very useful site when there is a word I just don't know or something I can't for my life recall. With age facts seem to get stored further and further away in the brain or the memory capacity might actually be somewhat reduced. Don't know exactly which one applies to me... Maybe a bit of both. This is the moment you have to start to rely on "post-it notes". Personally I buy them by the dozen. My desk at work is really colorful. There are pink, yellow and orange post-it notes everywhere in my office. It all looks very colorful and bright.

Might add that nobody has been questioning my English - yet. I guess I am a bit self conscious of my lack of certain phrasing and structure of the British/American English.

I was schooled in the British English way of writing and talking and then at 17 I spent a year in Texas.... Going from a "proper" English accent to the Texan drawl. Go figure!
Telling you this, you might understand the ambivalence of it all!

1 comment:

Lori's Light Extemporanea said...

Did someone make a snotty comment to you? I was just thinking today that 1) I'd like to work on learning some Swedish and 2) it's amazing that you (and many/most Europeans/Scandanavians) learned more than one language.