December 15, 2008

Blogspot vs Xanga

Ok, so now you need to come on over here to read my very interesting blog. Having two of them just doesn't work for me. Too time consuming. Not sufficient time on my hands. La voilá!

December 12, 2008

Christmas "Do"

Been to the store for supplies with Co-worker.
Set the tables. Plastic cutlery. Red & White napkins & Red paper tablecloth. Very High Class.
But it fits the occasion and that is all that counts. In a couple of hours it will be all messed up anyways...

An Early Morning Poem

12 days till Christmas - or 13 for those of you who celebrate on the 25th...

December 11, 2008

Sob II

I'm sure I'm suffering the dreaded "Scandinavian Winter Depression". There's no doubt in my mind. My very tired mind. Everyone heard about it? Well, it's a documented fact (?) that with the minimal light up here in the Scandinavian countries, the suicide rates sky rocket during the winter period. No, no chance/risk of that here, rest assured - but a monumental mood & body fatigue as well as frequent colds are becoming more and more evident in yours truly's case by the passing of the years.

Hate, hate & hate winter..

It only took me about 5 minutes to scrape the windowshields this morning. Less than you
CL. But still Pitch Black Out!

Here's a little something to try too lighten up my dismal mood...

Sorry about all the griping...And yes, I do love smiley's if you hadn't noticed.

I found this on another blog today - thought it purdy funny!!* Doesn't apply to all boys though... And please - don't attempt this at home!! It's not meant for y'all to take it literally. Ok? Good.

*Sorry - it's just one of those days...

December 09, 2008


Can't stand winter! Took me 15 minutes to scrape the windowshields of my car this morning. Pitch black out & oh so cold! Take me away from here!!!

December 07, 2008

Birthday Cakes

These are the cakes I bought for my birthday on Thursday. No, this year I didn't make them myself, as the "big" day was on a Thursday, a workday. No time... and stress doesn't agree with me anymore!

First the "Real Cake". This is called a "Frukttårta" - a "Fruitcake" - yes I know that is something entirely different in the English language, but it is good!

But this is my favorite, with satsuma's in it. The "Budapestrulle" - a "Budapest role".

Weekend Update

So tired after the working week is over. Tried the gym on Thursday. My throat acted up again. It is a perpetual nightmare. One week feeling almost ok. Going to the gym. Back to feeling sick again. Been like this since April. Weird and ANNOYING!
Going to bed early.

Waking up with a headache, probably migrain, coming on. Trying regular headache pills. Nope. Migrain pills. Helps somewhat. S getting up early - I stay in bed finishing a book by Tess Gerritsen. Can't remember the name right now.. And it is in the car - taking it back to the library on Monday. Getting up, breakfast and then a nice shower. S going off to pick up son from hospital. Starting on the "musts of the day": Vacuum one floor of the house. Cleaning the bathroom. Ironing Christmas curtains and putting them up. Only in the kitchen. I'm not much of a decorator. Ironing some Christmas tablecloths and putting them on my kitchen table, as well as in the livingroom. Finished! At least until closer to Christmas. Doing some laundry, hanging it, then folding a previous load... S fixing dinner - YAY!! Fish. Omega 3. Good for you. Pretty good to eat too! We eat it with a shrimp sause and pasta. Doing the dishes. Crashing in front of the TV for the remainder of the evening. A couple of fun movies, makes us laugh.

S getting up early AGAIN!!! Sigh. He's up by 7'ish am. Can't go back to sleep again, so I am forcing myself to get up too. No book to read. Alas. Breakfast; S did some good rice porridge (risgrynsgröt) that we eat with sugar, cinnamon and milk. Tastes of an early Christmas. Then coffee and a joint effort doing a crossword before taking a shower. Then off to the store to get some groceries. Having pasta (again..) with bolognaise and a salad for dinner today. Enough for us both to take to work on Monday. Then home to start on the bolognaise. Reading the Sunday paper. S going off to change his car tires to winter ditto's and going to the gym. Dinner. Coffee afterwards with cookies. Upstairs. Now at the present sitting by the computer. Having checked on facebook, my Outlook, my account on yahoo,
my webpage, my Xanga and my Blogspot. Also checked my favorite feeds. This takes quite some time. Will catch up on the news on the TV in a couple of minutes.

Guess it will be an early night! Night night!

December 03, 2008


Tired today! 5 more months of darkness…

I'd rather be somewhere like this... For sure...