May 28, 2008

Last Saturday..

...this happened...
Saturday we surprised one of our friends with a hen party. Spoke to her the morning after and we are still friends! She is one of those person's who actually likes playing games and charades, my opposite exactly. I was glad it was her and not me! We were really nice about it all. It could have been so much worse!

This is what she had to do:

Yup - she got to be Pippi Långstrump/Pippi Longstockings/for a day. We dressed her up in different colored stockings, put orange braided hair on her; well you can see for yourselves. She was really pleased about the look. Not bad at all! Most kids started out being kind of afraid to come and play with her, but most overcame their shyness pretty quickly.


We had lunch on the cliffs - we were lucky, it was a beautiful day! Isn't the cliffs and seaside a pretty sight?


In the evening we went to a small restaurant for a bite to eat. This shrimp sallad was as scrumptious as it looks in this picture! Yummy!

Then, as usual, "Pippi" stayed out half the night - and I went home. Nothing unusual about that either...
I had a question about what a "hen party/bachelorette party" really is:
That is when a woman is getting married and her friends take her out in public, making her do things like "acting like a
moron", be Pippi Longstockings (like in our case), sell different things to the public "in public" (i e in front of a store or something). OR if you are nice you just take her out for a good meal...
The male equivalent is a "stag party/bachelor party".
You must surely have something like it?

May 27, 2008


... will be coming shortly...

May 13, 2008

Unusual behavior!

We are somewhat concerned with our owl family!
The thing is that the owl mother has been sitting on a branch of a tree about 10 meters away from the nest during the past weekend - and still was last night (Monday). She hasn't gone back to the nest as far as I/we have seen. It is very unusual for this kind of owl to be out during the daylight in the first place. So why? No baby owls alive? Too much noice etc for the mother owl to stay in the nest? What's happening in there?

To be continued!

May 07, 2008

Our owl!

Just wanted to share "our" owl mother that lives in our garden! Our hope is that there will be some baby owls showing themselves any day now! Will be back then with more footage. It took me a couple of hours to upload the videofilm to my computer. This is my first time on Movie Maker so the next time might be easier, hopefully. In this particular film a couple of crows are teasing her, jumping from a branch on her right and then flying back and forth and back again. Looked really amusing (to us at least). Her head went back and forth to keep them under tight surveillance....

May 06, 2008

In sickness & in health - and an owl!

The whole of last week was no fun & games at all at our house.
I was the first one getting the Shivers & Shakes on Friday. Got out all the extra blankets we have in the house, but still cooold as ice. S followed suite the following Monday. Then the fun just continued with fever, bronchitis, runny noses and total and utter exhaustion. The first two days were spent in a daze - not a chance of getting up. My head telling me "You need to get up!" and my body answering "No way I am getting up - I am beat!" You would think I would be skin and bones from only drinking water for over a week. No. Think again. This body of mine knows exactly when to switch over to the low-low burner to preserve the current weight!

Although not exactly well yet - we are now back at work - like it or not....

One fun thing did actually happen during the daze and illnesses of last week:
We got it confirmed that there is indeed an owl living in our birds nest in our garden. This made S very happy. Now we are impatiently waiting to see the baby birds/owls that "most likely" are in the nest. S filmed about an hours length of film, so the mother owl is duly documented. One of these days I will get a cable to be able to get the film onto my computer.

Now I am tired again.... Bye for now!